A Better Podcast Player

Podcast Guru is the podcast player that gives you every podcast under the sun.

With Podcast Guru for Android and iOS, you can easily find your favorite podcasts, or discover new shows from millions of episodes available for free online. If you’re switching from another podcast player, it’s easy to import your current subscriptions in OPML file format.

A Better Podcast Player

Podcast Guru is the podcast player that gives you every podcast under the sun.

With Podcast Guru for Android and iOS, you can easily find your favorite podcasts, or discover new shows from millions of episodes available for free online. If you’re switching from another podcast player, it’s easy to import your current subscriptions in OPML file format.

Featured, Popular & Browse

Discover podcasts from our featured section, or from the most popular trending podcasts, or browse through the populars genres such as Comedy, Business, News, Politics, and more.

Featured, Popular & Browse

Discover podcasts from our featured section, or from the most popular trending podcasts, or browse through the populars genres such as Comedy, Business, News, Politics, and more.

Free to be Powerful

Podcast Guru gives listeners powerful features for free that other podcast managers charge for, including sleep timer and variable speed playback.

Why Podcast Guru - Discover More Podcasts

Free to be Powerful

Podcast Guru gives listeners powerful features for free that other podcast managers charge for, including sleep timer and variable speed playback.

Why Podcast Guru - Discover More Podcasts
Why Podcast Guru - VIP users get more features and value

Podcast Guru's VIP FeaturesGive You More Control

Why Podcast Guru - The Download Manager Respects Your Device's Space

Download Episodes However You Want

Podcast Guru’s advanced download manager won’t let your downloaded podcasts take over your device. Decide which episodes you want to download and when you want them deleted.

Download Episodes However You Want

Podcast Guru’s advanced download manager won’t let your downloaded podcasts take over your device. Decide which episodes you want to download and when you want them deleted.

Why Podcast Guru - The Download Manager Respects Your Device's Space

Keep Your Favorite Podcasts With You Wherever You Listen

About to hop on an airplane? Download podcast episodes for offline listening. You can even use this feature to download selected episodes while you’re on wifi and save that precious bandwidth for those of you on metered plans.

Why Podcast Guru - Cloud Sync moves your podcasts with you

Keep Your Favorite Podcasts With You Wherever You Listen

About to hop on an airplane? Download podcast episodes for offline listening. You can even use this feature to download selected episodes while you’re on wifi and save that precious bandwidth for those of you on metered plans.

Why Podcast Guru - Cloud Sync moves your podcasts with you

Podcast Guru Lets You Listen To Podcasts Fast

Podcast Guru for Android and iOS is a simple and powerful podcast player app. We designed it so you can easily find your favorite podcasts with an easy interface and simple settings. Immediacy is a priority for us at Really Bad Apps.

On top of that, we designed this podcast app to install quickly. In fact, you should be able to find the podcasts you want, and start listening in less than 30 seconds. Maybe even less if you really try!

Besides the fact that it’s fast, Podcast Guru is also a full-featured podcast player. You can listen to your favorite podcasts at incremental or fine-tuned speed settings. It has a lock screen player with album art so you can enjoy podcasts while you are driving to work. In addition to being a podcast player, this app is also a podcast manager with tons of useful functionality.

The app allows you to create and edit your own playlists and save offline podcast episodes. You can also search your podcast library, and import your own audio files. Best of all, it’s free!

Download Podcast Guru!

Try the simple and powerful podcast player, it's free!