Use Cloud Sync to painlessly migrate your podcasts to your new iPhone 14!

The new iPhone 14 is available now, and it’s going to be a great upgrade for a multitude of iPhone users, especially for those of us who have put off upgrading the last couple of years. But what about your podcast data?  Migrating your podcasts to a new device can be a real problem. Even more so if you are going cross platform (from Android to iOS or vice versa). Thankfully, Podcast Guru can make this a painless experience!

Cloud Sync on Podcast Guru for your iPhone 14

When migrating to a new device, the easiest way to transfer all your podcast data and listening history is by subscribing to our VIP service and enabling Cloud Sync in the app settings. Unlike legacy OPML files, which can only migrate your subscriptions, our Cloud Sync service is far more powerful!  It’s a real-time database that maintains not only your subscriptions, but also your listening history and playlists. But what about that episode you listened to six months ago and paused 32 minutes into it? Covered! Have you created any custom genre tags to help manage your library? No problem! You’ll never have to worry about losing that data once you have Cloud Sync enabled.

The benefits don’t stop here though! There’s a reason we call this “Cloud Sync” and not “Cloud Backup”. That’s because it’s an always active synchronization feature, which keeps everything in sync, in real time across multiple devices. You can even watch it happen, within seconds of subscribing to a podcast, you’ll see that podcast subscription appear on all your other devices in the Library section without you having to do anything at all! You only need to enroll in VIP once and it’s also cross-platform, which means you can use the same account on both Android and iOS devices!

How do you get Cloud Sync?

All you need to do is subscribe to our premium VIP service, and enable Cloud Sync on your old device. Then simply login with your same Google or Apple login on your other devices. Once you’ve done that, all your data will appear, typically within a few minutes, with zero fuss.

Just have the one phone? Well, that’s most of us, but you can sleep better knowing that if your phone is ever lost, damaged, stolen, etc, you’ll still be able to retrieve all your podcast data and listening history with ease. No need to engage manual backups, save off OPML files, etc. This is truly just set it and forget it, and one of several core features included with our VIP subscription.   Our VIP service also has other goodies like automated download and storage management for your offline content, as well as fine grained speed controls and enhanced Podchaser integration!

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