Migrating From Stitcher to Podcast Guru: a how-to for your Android device

This is a quick visual guide to show you how easily migrate your podcast subscriptions from Stitcher to OPML, and then into Podcast Guru for Android.

Inside the Stitcher app, find the settings wheel in the upper left.

Scroll down until you see the "Export My Shows" option.

A dialog will open up, select the "OK I'll Save It" option.

On Android, this will open a "Chooser" Dialog, and you'll want to use any type of file manager app that's installed on your device.  In this example from a Samsung device, the app is just called "Files".

From there, you can save it to any common folder that's easy to find, we're going to choose "Downloads".  Note that your screen here might look completely different, it depends on what kind of file manager app you're using.

And that's it for Stitcher, now moving on to Podcast Guru.  Look for a section called "Tools" in the left navigation panel.

Then look for Import/Export From OPML section.

Choose the Import section.

Android Import OPML

That should open your file manager app, look in the folder where you saved the stitcher.opml file.

And that’s it, let the OPML Import Tool do it’s magic!

Note that you might encounter problem with some feeds, especially ones that are private or require authentication. If those don’t work with the OPML import tool you’ll have to enter them manually.

If you run into any issues, just open the Feedback and Help section in the left nav, open a ticket, and one of our devs will usually respond within 24 hours.