Podchaser Lists and Profiles in Podcast Guru

Over the past year, the Podcast Guru team has done a lot of work integrating some our favorite Podchaser features, including posting and reading reviews as well as and browsing podcast creators and guests. But we must admit, this next integration might be our new favorite!

Podchaser has a cool feature where users can create their own curated lists that allow that podcasters and listeners to organize, share and bookmark podcasts and episodes.

When viewing a podcast you can now also browse the Podchaser lists that include it. This is a great way to find new podcasts that have been skillfully curated and are related in some way. It’s really a fantastic way to discover new content that match your interests.

Here's an example of how we reference Podchaser lists that include the Lex Fridman Podcast in our native Android and iOS apps.

Podcast Guru - Podchaser Lists
Podcast Guru - Podchaser Lists
Podcast Guru - Podchaser Lists
Podcast Guru - Podchaser Lists

Podchaser lists are curated by real users, and there are a huge number collections for you to explore! Here are two more examples from Android and iOS that show the contents of some Podchaser lists.

You can also view the profiles of a lists creator as well! Some of your fellow Podchaser and Podcast Guru users are prolifically great at curating lists. You can learn a little more details about them, and of course browse other the lists they’ve created.

Here are some profile pages for two list creators from along with their lists!

Want to create your own lists? Well to do that just head over to Podchaser.com and start curating some content!  Anyone can do it, gain a following, help your fellow Podcast Guru’s discover new content!